Cornell Note Taking Method Custom Pdf Generator Code

Cornell Note Taking Method Custom Pdf Generator Code Rating: 5,0/5 7584 votes

The Cornell Notes system is a note-taking system devised in the 1940s by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Pauk advocated its use in his best-selling book How to Study in College. 1 Overview of method; 2 Studies on effectiveness; 3 See also; 4 References; 5 External links.

In this post we'll see how to create PDF from XML in Java using Apache FOP.

What is Apache FOP

Apache™ FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter. It is a Java application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting pages to a specified output.
FOP uses the standard XSL-FO file format as input, lays the content out into pages, then renders it to the requested output.
Read more about it here -

How to get Apache FOP

Get the FOP download from here.

I have used fop-2.0 for this example code.
Needed jars (found in the lib and build directory in the fop download) -

  • Commons-io
  • Commons-logging
  • Xml-apis
  • Xmlgraphics-commons
  • Fop
  • Batik-all
  • Avalon-framework
If you want to add maven dependency for Apache FOP then it is as following.

Cornell Note Taking Template Pdf

Steps for creating a PDF from XML in Java using Apache FOP

To produce a PDF file from a XML file, first step is that we need an XSLT stylesheet that converts the XML to XSL-FO. Created XSL-FO file is also an XML file which contains formatted objects.
The second step will be done by FOP when it reads the generated XSL-FO document and formats it to a PDF document.

Creating PDF using FOP Java example

XML used for creating PDF is as follows.

Stylesheet UsedOnline tv serial tamil polimer ullam.

If you see the XSL, first I am looking for the employees element to get the company Name and also there some formatting is done like how many columns are needed and what should be the width. Then I am looking for the employee element and printing the values, also some logic is there to print the field values in bold if the designation is manager.

Copying the output of PDF I got, that will make it easy to understand the XSL.

Java code

In the code there are two methods convertToPDF() and convertToFO(), convertToPDF() method is used to convert XML to PDF. convertToFO() method will create the XSL-FO from the XML using the XSLT. If you want to see the created FO which in turn is used to create PDF please call this method.

Create PDF in web application using Apache FOP

In case of web application if you want to provide PDF as a download, here is a Servlet method as reference-


Recommendations for learning (Udemy Courses)

Cornell Note Taking Method Custom Pdf Generator Codes

That's all for this topic How to Create PDF From XML in Java Using Apache FOP. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Thanks!

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