Developer X1 Credit Card Chip Writer Software

Developer X1 Credit Card Chip Writer Software Rating: 4,5/5 2698 votes
Active2 years, 11 months ago

I would like to make some workshop about Debit or Credit card fraud (Skimming). So I need as much as possible information about it.

Upgrades to the RFID Smart Card Reader project. Now it writes to the smart card. Either automatically write the RFID tags that are read or hook it up to a PC and write data directly to the smart card.

  1. Is it possible to clone debit or credit card with MagStripe reader and encoder which usually sold by POS store like this one?
  1. Is it possible to clone debit or credit card, can I cashout from ATM and transfer some fund to another account? In this case, I know the PIN number.

  2. Please tell any factors which can cause failed or successful in case of Cloning debit or credit card and use it for evil purpose!, maybe there is any important factor like blank magstripe specification, magstripe reader and encoder specification, the ATM itself. the Card itself maybe any encryption.

FYI: In my city, the debit card still uses MagStripe and no Chip on the card and I just tested my debit card with MagStripe reader which cause leaked card number, expired date, and some unknown number.

Krishna Pandey
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1 Answer

Q1: Yes. The link for MagStripe reader and encoder 1 does exactly that. Can read credit or debit and write it to a new blank card and can also erase data on an existing card. the MSR605 comes with software to do all of this. These machines can clone ANY card with a mag stripe. Gift cards, hotel cards, rewards cards, credit cards, id cards, etc.

Q2: Yes. you can skim a debit card and if you have a pin you can go straight to ATM and get cash. The PIN is NOT provided in the skimmed data. Using skimmed cards at gas stations for example might also require you to type in a zip code associated with the card.

Q3: The only failure in skimming cards is if the machine is broken or card is damaged. Every card with a mag stripe is the exact same and every mag stripe reader can skim any and every type of credit card or any card in general with a mag stripe. If the card has a black strip on back then it can be read. They all use the same technology. The success rate of skimming a card with a black stripe through a Mag Stripe reader is 99%.

Real-life Scenarios and Scam

GIFT CARD SCAM: At Walmart you see stands with Gift cards on them. Let says the criminal takes 10 $50 Walmart gift cards(unactivated). He goes to the bathroom and skims the data off all of them then puts them all back on the shelf. He then will check the card numbers everyday on the website to see if they are activated. When a customer comes in and purchases that gift card, it gets activated and the criminal already has the data and can use it right then and there.

FAST FOOD SCAM: Another popular scam happens at Fast Food Drive-Thrus. The cashier has a skimmer next to the register. When you hand them your credit or debit card through the window, they will swipe the card through the register and then swipe the card a second time through the hidden skimmer. (Happened to me at a Taco Bell lol)

GAS STATION SCAM: There is practically a universal key that opens up any gas station pump. Criminals will open them up as put a device that will record all credit cards that are swiped. Use gas pumps that are close to the door, criminals usually install them on pumps out of site. Also look for a sticker on the pump where the pump door would open, if the sticker was peeled off to open the door it will say VOID VOID VOID across the sticker, that means some one went into the pump.

MOST PEOPLE DONT KNOW: Skimming a card with the machine is not only way to get skimmed data. A lot of cards have RFID chips inside of the even if you do not ask for them. If your card has one you will see a symbol on your card that looks like a signal or wifi symbol with the 3 bars. The reader bernhard schlink online pdf. There a RFID machines that clone this data. Someone can walk around the mall with this RFID handheld device and all they have to do is get less than a foot away from you and it will skim the data from the RFID chip. It can skim it right through your pocket, wallet or purse.

Funny example of what you can do with a skimmer. You can clone you credit card onto a hotel key card. Then go to McDonald's and use your hotel key card to pay for food.

Prevent RFID skimming: You can buy a special sleeve or wallet to block the RFID signal. But i recommend just having your bank reissue you a new card without it.

Prevent MagStripe skimming: Use cash at drive thru windows or any business that uses your card out of your sight. - Change card numbers every 3 months because most criminals skim your card and sell it to others which means they could be holding onto your information for many months before selling it.

Experienced Skimmers: The best of the best will buy blank Visa or MasterCard gift cards. Then they will clone your card to it and use a embroider to actually punch in the actual name and card number onto the card(most gift cards have numbers that can be wiped off that are not embroided). They will also make a fake ID in case cashier asks for identification.

Hope this helps.

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Active5 years ago

It's frequently stated that EMV cards cannot be cloned. I'd like to know, specially with commodity smart card readers/ writers, why is this true? What specific data cannot be read using commodity hardware, and what type of hardware would be required to do so?


3 Answers

To use an analogy, expanding on what people have said about it being a chip:

An older style magstripe card was simply a string of characters encoded onto the card, it could be read, or written, and that was it. It's like a page of a book, you can read it, but if you don't understand, you can't ask it questions.

An EMV chip is a small microprocessor. It runs a specific application. You can't just read what it knows, but you can 'ask' it 'questions' by issuing commands from the EMV set, and see what it returns. Unlike Magstripe, it's interactive, and is capable of both answering and more importantly, refusing to answer queries.

All of this is a little simplified. Encryption obviously plays a large role in EMV, and it's much complex than just some little microbug that you can interview, like I make it sound, but the essence is there.

Like @Lucas Kauffman has mentioned, EMV isn't unclonable, but it is significantly more difficult, at least if you start from first principles. As with many security issues, these complex differences will start to mean less and less now that vulnerabilities have been found, because it will be possible to buy cloners without needing to know how they actually work.


The chip is actually a device which can perform calculations execute instructions. It's used for challenge response as to authorize attackers. It's therefor not possible to just clone them.

There are attacks against the EMV cards as demonstrated by the University of Camebridge. They published a paper about it named 'Chip and Skin: Cloning EMV cards with a preplay attack'.

The attack heavily relies on flawed random number generator used by the bank terminals. There is also a Defcon presentation on chip & pin which can be found here.

I attended an OWASP chapter meeting last year where Senior Cambrdige ResearcherSteven Murdoch presented their attack. He also noted that recently criminals had realized to reduce the attack for which they needed a complete PC in a back pack, to a simple chip which can be fit in plastic banking card (the chip itself was a mere 3 mm longer).

Credit Card Writer Software Download

Lucas KauffmanLucas Kauffman
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Credit Card Chip Fraud

The key is that EMV cards don't just output the same response every time. They're a challenge-response system: they work by reading a 'challenge' message from the terminal, doing some computation within the chip, and then outputting a unique 'response' message back. If you capture that response, you're only capturing one possible output -- the one that corresponds to the challenge it was sent. Since a terminal should never output the same challenge twice and the challenge should be unpredictable, then that capture response should be useless in the future.

In order to fully clone an EMV chip, you need to know the secret that's stored inside it. Since it never transmits that secret, obtaining it is impractical.


This in contrast to other identification technology such as RFID and magnetic stripes which only know how to transmit one number. In the case of these technologies, cloning that output is reasonably simple.

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